Bladder problems in cats | Royal Canin Club Philippines

Bladder problems in cats

Cats are very likely to suffer from urinary problems, so being able to spot the signs early on and take action can help alleviate any health issues and long-term consequences. Feline lower urinary tract disease (known as FLUTD) affects cats worldwide, and often does not have an identifiable underlying cause. 

The causes of urinary issues in cats 
A cat’s urinary system can have inflammation or suffer from a build-up of minerals in the bladder. These minerals can eventually crystallise and then build and join to form stones. 

The symptoms of urinary problems in cats 
Your cat may try to urinate more often and only urinate a little or may fail to do so at all. He may strain or show signs of pain when urinating, stay in a urinating position longer than usual, urine might have a pinkish colour due to blood in the urine. Sometimes, he might excessively lick or groom his genital area, demonstrate a loss of appetite or show other behavioural changes. 

Is my cat at risk of a urinary problem? 
Overweight or obese cats and those living a sedentary lifestyle are more at risk of urinary problems. Cats under significant stress are more likely to have urinary system issues. Stress can include new additions to the house, moving, changes in diet, a poorly placed or dirty litter tray, and living in a multiple animal household. If a cat and the owner have a strong relationship, the cat can even pick up on an owner’s stress, which can result in health problems. 

Treatments for cats’ urinary problems 
It is crucial to take your cat to the vet if you notice any of the symptoms outlined above. Increasing water intake can help encourage urination and urine dilution to help decrease the risk of crystallisation. You can encourage your cat to drink more water by placing multiple bowls round the house, and avoid placing near litter trays or busy locations. Running water, like a dripping tap or water fountain, can also be very appealing. Your cat’s diet can also contribute to their urinary health; as certain diets, dry or wet, can help increase water intake. Your vet might recommend specialized diet if needed. There are also diet like Royal Canin Urinary Care available in pet stores to tend to your cat’s need to maintain a healthy bladder. Do seek advise from your vet to determine the best diet for your cat according to their diagnosis and condition. 

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