Tailored nutrition for cats | Royal Canin Club Philippines

Tailored nutrition for cats

Royal Canin has developed a range of cat food formulas to support cats with common sensitivities.    

Poor coat condition  
Does your cat have a poor coat condition? Skin cells are constantly being renewed and have significant nutritional needs. Some cats have sensitive skin reflected in a poor coat condition. However, coat condition can be supported by a proper nutritional balance.  

Royal Canin’s Hair & Skin Care is a precisely balanced nutritional formula which helps to maintain skin and coat health.    

Prone to hairballs  
Is your cat prone to hairball formation? Cats spend a large portion of their day grooming, and therefore can swallow large quantities of hair. These ingested hairs can become compacted in the digestive tract forming hairballs which are either regurgitated or eliminated through the faeces.  

Royal Canin’s Hairball Care is a precisely balanced nutritional formula which can naturally help to reduce hairball formation. As a result, hair swallowed daily can be eliminated in the faeces rather than building up in the stomach.    

Risk of urinary issues?  
Crystals can be found even in the urine of healthy cats. Depending on several factors water intake, urinary crystals can be transformed into stones. Nutrition can be an effective way to help reduce the risk of urinary crystal formation.  

Royal Canin’s Urinary Care is a precisely balanced nutritional formula which helps maintain urinary tract health. The exclusive formula creates a urinary environment less favourable for the formation of urinary stones.    

A sensitive digestion?  
A sensitive stomach and digestive tract may result in a large quantity of poor quality faeces which may also indicate poor digestion. Additionally, swallowing too quickly without sufficient chewing can lead to regurgitation.  

Royal Canin’s Digestive Care is a precisely balanced nutritional formula which helps support digestive health. With double action: Easy to digest and promotes chewing and slower eating.  

Royal Canin’s Hairball Care is a precisely balanced nutritional formula which can naturally help to reduce hairball formation. As a result, hair swallowed daily can be eliminated in the faeces rather than building up in the stomach.
